Financial Planning, Wealth Management, and Estate Planning

At PAC, we are committed to guiding you towards financial security and prosperity. Our promise is to always prioritize your best interests, recommending products and strategies that benefit you, not just the selling party. Our comprehensive financial planning services include:

Investment and Savings Products

  • RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan): Plan for your retirement with tax-advantaged savings.
  • TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account): Grow your investments tax-free, without impacting your eligibility for federal benefits.
  • RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan): Save for your child’s education with government grants and tax-deferred growth.

Insurance Solutions

  • Life Insurance: Secure the financial future of your loved ones in the event of the unexpected.
  • Disability Insurance: Protect your income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
  • Critical Illness Insurance: Get financial support during difficult times of serious illness.
  • Super-Visa and Travel Insurance: Ensure you and your family are covered during travel and extended stays.
  • Shareholder & Partnership Insurance: Safeguard your business interests in the event of a partner’s death or disability.

Wealth and Estate Planning

  • Understand Your Finances: We begin with a thorough analysis of your financial situation to understand your specific needs and goals.
  • Create a Stable Plan: Tailoring a financial plan that aligns with your life goals, we focus on building a stable and secure financial future for you and your family.
  • Minimize Taxes and Save Money: Our strategies are designed to minimize your tax burden, allowing you to save more money and increase your wealth over time.
  • Maximize Estate Values: By reducing taxes and expenses, we aim to maximize the value of your estate, ensuring that your legacy is preserved and passed on according to your wishes.

Partner with PAC for a personalized approach to financial planning, wealth management, and estate planning. Let us help you build a secure financial future. Contact us today to get started.